Online Marketing Advice

Twitter provides a fantastic platform through which to promote work from home business opportunities. It means that you can contact likeminded people and keep them up to date with all your latest news. However you do need to be careful how you approach this as people can easily block or unfollow you if you come across as annoying or pushy so be warned! Always treat social networking sites, like Twitter, as you would any form of advertising and tread carefully.

This short article gives you five tips on how not to alienate your potential customers and Twitter followers!

Try to Reply to People

Nothing is going to annoy people more than being ignored so make sure you do not do this! If people have taken the time to reply to your tweets or to ask questions then make sure that you answer these in a timely manner. Failure to do this will give a bad image of how you may run your business and may give the impression that you are not interested in what people think. Try to dedicate a set amount of time on a daily basis to commenting and replying to people to help build relationships.

Make Sure You are Easy to Contact

It is important that you include all contact information for yourself and your business on your Twitter profile. Unfortunately there is not always the room in a tweet to mention this so you need to have it somewhere people can see it. In this way people can contact you further or if you have a website they can view this to get a better idea of what it is you do.

Keep your Twitter Account Active

If you only update your account and tweet now and again people may get bored and stop following you. Often people want to read what you have been up to and are genuinely interested in what you have to say so it is incredibly important that you tweet daily. If you want to successfully promote work from home business opportunities then consistency is vital!

Do Not Bombard People

If all you talk about is your work from home business opportunities then you may well end up alienating people. The hard sell is not a tactic that will be well accepted on Twitter and you will find you have more success if you tone it down a little.

Always be Truthful

It can be tempting to use methods that are not always truthful to get people to click on your links but you should never do this. Nothing is more infuriating then being told something that is nothing more than a lie. If you want people to follow you and respect you and your business you should make sure that what you say is always what you get. 



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