Online Marketing Advice

If you are thinking about joining Your Net Biz then you may assume that you are going to need to spend a lot of money on advertising and promoting your business. However this is not the case and there are in fact many cheap and effective methods that can be just as successful. 

Social Networking sites

Sites such as Twitter and Facebook are more popular then ever right now and as such can be a great way to reach a wider more diverse audience. By updating your status and ‘tweeting’ on Twitter or setting up relevant groups on Facebook you can interact and build trust with others.


Writing your own articles on your business can be a great way to attract publicity with little to no expense. When you write your articles make sure that you include a number of relevant keywords to increase your search engine ranking. It is also important to include tips and information that are useful to the reader as this can help to increase your expert status.  


Creating and regularly updating a blog is a fantastic way to get the attention of others on a budget. You can write about your experiences with Your net Biz and give others tips and useful information to encourage them to start their own business. Try to avoid a hard sell and stick to helping and guiding others as people will be more likely to bookmark your site.

You tube

You tube is perhaps the world’s principal video sharing site and is becoming an incredibly popular way to interact with others. All you need is a good quality video camera, or even just the webcam on your computer, and then talk about Your Net Biz and your experiences. This is a great way for people to see you and get to know you and often they will then feel confident enough to contact you regarding the opportunity. You will notice that there is a small information box available and this can be a good place to leave a link to your website. You can then post these you tube links onto facebook, twitter and your blog depending on which of these you have.

There are so many ways to get free traffic to your website and these are just some of the many options available to you. They are all inexpensive and a great way for your to maximise the profits you make.

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